The story began when Kazma Club announced on its website, Thursday, that it had played a friendly match during its training camp in Egypt in preparation for the new season, noting that it beat Beni Suef Telephones 7-1.

But the surprise that Beni Suef Telephone Club denied through its page on the site “Facebook” to play any friendly matches, stressing the invalidity of the news that talks about the establishment of a meeting for the team with its Kuwaiti counterpart.

Beni Suef said through his account: “The news that circulated about a friendly match with the Kuwaiti club Al-Kazma is not true. The club has not played any friendlies at the moment, and the sponsor confirmed that there are no friendly matches arranged at this time.”

He warned the Egyptian club against dealing with the agent of players called “Sayed Riad”, stressing that he impersonated the representative of the club and organized a friendly match with Kazma Kuwaiti, and the club published a picture of this person taken during the establishment of the match in question.

Kazma clarifies

There was a state of controversy over the incident, but the Kuwaiti club issued an explanatory statement in which it confirmed that what happened was the responsibility of the organizing company, which demanded an official apology to the two clubs.

He said in his statement: “Kazma Sports Club followed the news circulating in social media regarding the friendly match that was held on Thursday evening against Beni Suef Telephone Club, which ended with a score of 1/7 in favor of Kazma, as part of the team’s preparations for the next sports season, and accordingly the club would like to state the following:

  • The responsibility for organizing the training camp in all its details, including the friendly matches scheduled to be held on July 18, 22, 26 and 30, lies with the company organizing the camp under the contract signed between the club and the company.
  • No upcoming friendly will be held without official approval approved by the officials of the two clubs.
  • The company organizing the training camp bears legal and criminal responsibility and the consequent impact of this error towards the two clubs, Beni Suef Telephones and Kazma Club.
  • The company publishes an official statement through its official website in social media and print media immediately after the publication of this statement, declaring that it bears full responsibility for this mistake and submits an official apology to the two clubs and pledges not to repeat this mistake in the upcoming matches and for the remainder of the camp period.
  • The organizer apologizes

    The company apologized “Starmaker Football” organizer of the match for the incident, confirming that it was deceived by a person who claimed to be a representative of the Beni Suef Telephone Club.

    The company said in a statement: “Starmaker Football Company offers an official apology to the Board of Directors of the Kuwaiti Kazma Club and all its fans for the unintentional mistake regarding the friendly match that was held on Thursday evening, as the company agreed in advance to hold several matches, including a match between Kazma Club and Beni Suef Telephone Club.”

    The statement explained: “Unfortunately, the company was deceived by the representatives of the Beni Suef Telephone Club, which later turned out to be unrelated to the club, and falsely claimed that the opposing team represents Beni Suef Telephone Club, and the company denies the relationship of Kazma Club with what happened as well as Beni Suef Telephone Club.”

    She continued: “Accordingly, the company pledges not to repeat the unfortunate incident in the future, and that it bears material and moral responsibility for this and submits an official apology to the Board of Directors of Kazma Sports Club, and we ask you to accept the apology.”